Saturday, November 12, 2005


This blog serves many purposes at one time.

Here will you find links to a sampling of my original materials online.

This blog is my way of quickly getting some material on the web so that I can share it with others.

The next phase will be to take these same materials and revise them. I will publish them on a new web site. These materials will be able to be viewed online as web pages or PDF files.

I always have several works in progress. As they are complete I will publish them on the new web site and send out an email to those who wish to be informed.

At the most basic level this is enough. I am delighted to offer to anyone on the Internet the simple lessons that Jesus Christ has given to me to share. I hope to continue giving these away and adding to them for the rest of my life.

There are those who would prefer to have the writings in a printed form. And I will offer that option. I will likely go with Lulu and maybe another vendor like Café Press that can do this fulfillment for me.

I am available to speak to a group like a breakfast group, luncheon or other gathering. The person that is responsible to find the speaker can read these materials and we can discuss what will be shared. I could use most of the short items as handouts.

My main focus currently is to launch an innovative ministry named Four Bridges The initial project is to create and distribute the first quarterly CD. These links will be on that CD. After that a web platform will be created. These matters are described in the links at the end of this blog.


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