Saturday, November 12, 2005


The creation of the web platform paves the way to my long held dream. For more than five years I have dreamed of offering to seminary students and graduates their own web site. This will allow then to present many possible features including: their stories of how God led and blessed them, their current challenges with prayer requests and casting a vision for where they believe God is guiding them into ministry. Also there would be plenty of opportunities to share pictures, teachings as PFD files or Power Point slide shows and lots of three-minute audio messages.

It will become a place for them to publish materials, as they are ready. Gradually their inventory of offering will increase. They can promote this web site to those they contact. Also Four Bridges Ministry will promote all the sites. Together these teachings will become part of an ever-growing database that serves as an online lay institute. Hopefully the tuition will be FREE. The materials will be cross-indexed by speaker, verses, topics and date.

There will also be ways for support partners to send donations over the web that are secure and completely accounted for.

So in a big way what you have here is just the very first baby steps toward a much grander vision. It is like I am blazing a trail through a virgin forest. Later as I discover the better ways to cover this terrain there will come a road and later a highway for others to follow in my foot steps.


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